December 2023 | The Smith lab has been incredibly fortunate to have had Nikki Keisler, a first-year PhD student from the Neuroscience Graduate Program rotate in our lab this past Fall quarter. Apart from her evident love for neuroscience and formidable knowledge in many areas, Nikki is such a warm and attentive person who was a pleasure to be around! From spearheading the set up of our Med PC boxes alongside undergraduate researchers, to troubleshooting our calcium imaging set up, Nikki showcased unwavering dedication. Despite her short amount of time with us, Nikki has left an exemplary mark on our lab. Her work will now be carried on by Sanket, a PhD student from the UCSD Biosciences Program. Our lab anticipates he will contribute to setting up SLEAP to quantify behavioral interactions, and help Jie with her Oxytocin project.