Lab, Research

April 2023 | We got our first check from the Whitehall Foundation today! Thank you to the Whitehall Foundation for believing in us and supporting our work. This grant will ...

November 11, 2022 8am-7pm Dr. Smith was awarded the Early Career Researcher Award at S4SN! More information here

November 13, 2022 8 AM-12 PM: Olfactory cues mediate the rapid social transfer of pain in mice. November 14, 2022 1-5 PM: Rapid social transfer of pain in rats. 399.02. ...

November 14, 2022 2-4:40pm Cortical Mechanisms of Pain Processing. Featuring: Jing Wang (NYU), Edita Navratilova (ASU), Monique Smith, Matt Banghart (UCSD) and Ausaf Bari (UCLA). This minisymposium will explore cortical ...

View recording here Join us for an entire day focused on empathy, social behavior, and pain! Hosted by the Sanford Institute of Empathy and Compassion. Dr. Smith will talk about ...

Hear the latest on human and rodent research on pain. Hosted by the UCSD Anesthesiology Department. Dr. Smith will discuss recent discoveries in the lab examining the social transfer of ...